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Medical And Social Transitioning

This page offers both on-and-off-campus resources related to medical transition and social transition like name change.

The UIC student health insurance plan, CampusCare, includes gender-affirming surgeries and treatment under Appendix B in the Certificates of Coverage. Heading link

“Transgender healthcare, including non-cosmetic surgery, hormonal treatments, pre- and post-surgical mental healthcare services, and follow up medical visits, is a covered benefit up to the maximum limit under the CampusCare Certificate of Coverage when all of the following are met: 

  1. Gender dysphoria is diagnosed and documented by a mental healthcare Provider 
  2. Ongoing care is established with a primary care Provider and/or mental healthcare Provider 
  3. Age of the Member is 18 years or older 
  4. Capacity to make a fully informed decision and to consent for treatment is established 
  5. A referral letter from one qualified mental healthcare professional confirming the Member’s condition and current mental health status. 

All care is expected to be provided at the University of Illinois at Chicago and/or in-network facilities, unless pre-approved for Out-of-network care by the CampusCare Medical Director or designee. In accordance with Section VI.D.5 of this Certificate of Coverage, services that are cosmetic in nature and not Medically Necessary are excluded from coverage. Services covered under this Certificate of Coverage must be determined to be Medically Necessary and preauthorized by the CampusCare Medical Director.

UI Health Gender-Affirming Surgeries

Off Campus Medical Resources Heading link

A step-by-step guide to legal name and Gender mark changes from UIC School of Law pro bono clinic. 


Chosen Name Change UIC Heading link

Students who would like to use a name other than their legal first name are able to enter a chosen first name, update an existing chosen first name, or delete an existing chosen first name through Student Self-Service.

UIC Student Records Name Change

Name Change Letter - To Professors Heading link

Dear Professor Smith, I recently made the decision to go by a name that is different from my legal name. I respectfully request that you call me Sam from now on instead of Jennifer, including in class. I understand that my legal name will still appear in Blackboard, but I am asking you to please use Sam when speaking to me in class, writing emails, or in spoken interactions. Thank you for honoring this important request.

Name Change Letter - To Social Media and Peers Heading link

Hi everyone. I will be going by Sam from now on, which is why I’ve changed my name on my profile. Please refer to me as Sam in writing and conversation as that’s what I’ll respond to from now on. Thanks!